Your End-Of-The-Year Donation will go towards rebuilding and hardening our infrastructure to recover from the affects of Hurricane Helene as well as achieving the Vision and Mission statements below. We are dreaming big, knowing we serve a God who is bigger than anything we can ask or imagine. Your gifts will go towards this Vision and make it possible for future generations to partake in this growing Kingdom Community.

There Is More Vision Statement 

Stewarding God’s presence for transformational encounter. 

There Is More Mission Statement

Creating times of refuge for the generations to experience God and embrace Kingdom living.

 Camps and Retreats in 2025!

Young Adults Retreat MAY25

Junior Camp JUN25

Senior 1 Camp JUL25

Senior 2 Camp JUL25

Fall Retreat OCT25

Sue Wiatt’s Vision

“There will come a time when the family of There Is More-the family of God-will need a place of refuge, a place of safety. As Noah began building the ark, I would have you to begin now to prepare this place within 50 miles from where you are standing (Lake Junaluska, NC). You will never need to ask for anything. I will put it on the hearts of My children to provide every need. I will send the very best men and women to help build this place on My Kingdom here on earth. (Right relationships, heart’s peace and joy in the Holy Spirit). I will build a wall of safety around it. There will be no charge.”